
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lesson Plans

Lesson plans are fun to make. It takes some work to get all the information, but I enjoy being able to come up with activities to help children learn. It was really interesting to be able to explore how technology can be used within a lesson plan. The first lesson plan we made was not exactly how it should have been, so we made a new one. The one we ended up doing was science for 5th grade. It was a really interesting lesson with some fun activities. I learned a lot about how to include the use of technology in a lesson and how this can further the learning that is going on. Students can definitely learn a lot when they are able to research something and be able to explore. Technology will be something that is used to further the education. Students will be allowed to use computers and the internet to explore what they are learning and be able to learn more about the topic whatever it may be. Students can learn a lot from exploring the topics and being able to focus on certain aspects that interest them.

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